Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Combining something good and something bad to make something very good.

So, this last weekend had one thing I'm rather indifferent to, tilting towards not liking, and one thing I don't usually like at all. Much to my surprise, I enjoyed both things very much.

To start with the first (and worst), on Saturday it was the annual Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) final. I remember seeing this as a kid and even back then I thought it was silly. Not the idea as such, I like the idea of having all the countries in Europe make a song and then compete to see who has the best.  It should however be songs which reflect the country they come from, not the generic cheesier-than-usual pop songs with no meaning whatsoever which most of the participants perform. There are a few exceptions, but as a general rule the quality of the songs in ESC is lower than on the average hit list, and, needless to say, I'm not usually a big fan of this. This, however, is where the "combining something good with something bad" comes in. Some friends of me decided do have a ESC pling-party. Pling-parties are generally connected to football matches on TV (where you drink everytime the TV goes "pling" as a result is updated), but it appears to work with ESC too. Instead of drinking whenever someone somewhere scores a goal, you here mainly drink during the part of the final where the points are awarded. You pick a nation in addition to your home nation, and drink 1 sip per point the countries get, and if they get a 12 (which is max) you empty your bottle.  (Un)fortunately for us we didn't have enough drink to follow the rules strictly. Norway got alot of points. I am fairly certain that the awesomeness of the people I did this with was a major contributor to it being as fun as it was, but I also believe that it would be fun to do with other, less entertaining people. Though it is, as most things, something you need the "right" people to get the most out of. Anyways, it was great fun and the following trip out on town was also quite fun.  Hurray for awesome Saturdays!

Here I wrote a semi-large piece about Sunday, but blogspot decdied to remove it. Hurray for awesome Sundays and boo for blogspot stealing my writing. I might bother rewriting it but I doubt it. Not now anyways.

New stuff

This blog now has lists. Lists of cool pages and lists of blogs. Hurray!

It might get blog entries too, eventually, but don't hold your breath waiting for that.